Requirements To Obtain Certification:
Pass the Exam with a score of at least 80% (you may retake the exam as many times as you need to) - exam will become available, and found in the course after the 6 months of training and will be in a multiple choice format.
100 hours of coaching experience with at least 8 clients - (this can be friends, people from our community, and of course clients you obtain on your own.
How To Log Coaching Hours:
Maintain a detailed log that includes:
1.) The date of each coaching session.
2.) The duration of each session (in hours).
3.) The names (or initials) of the clients you coached (if confidentiality allows).
4.) A description of the coaching session - (what was focused on, what you learned / challenges, what you did well / victories, your #1 take away)
5.) Keep records in a word document or something you can easily share with us
How To Obtain Certification:
Once you complete the exam and log your 100 hours, email your full name, email address, and coaching log to Lauren -